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来源: 互联网 编辑: 2011/07/26 16:25:20  字体:

  China says its nuclear industry has made a fresh technological breakthrough, which, even if it doesn't immediately solve the country's energy needs, underscores Beijing's determination to be a leading font of knowledge about the controversial power source.

  Ina Fassbender/Reuters游客在卡尔卡尔游乐园(Wunderland Kalkar)乘坐一个高空旋转木马。这里原本是一个欧洲快中子增殖反应堆,但从未投入使用,并最终被改造成游乐场。


  The China Institute of Atomic Energy said Thursday that a small, experimental “fast breeder” reactor outside Beijing had been hooked to the grid to produce electricity. Essentially, the tiny 20 megawatt nuclear plant '863' is now helping satisfy China's vast power needs.


  To supporters of nuclear power, fast-breeding is alluring. The idea is that it produces more plutonium than the plant needs to run, providing fissionable material usable elsewhere in the nation's nuclear program. For China, which is long on nuclear ambitions but short on uranium, it's an especially desirable technology.


  Yet the process hasn't proved workable on a large scale elsewhere. Fast-breeder programs have been abandoned in a number of countries, including the U.S., and the plants that remain are small. To some critics, it is a nuclear version of the “perpetual motion machine,” a seemingly problem-solving theory that doesn't work well outside the laboratory.


  In a statement posted to its website (in Chinese) Thursday, China's atomic institute said the advantages of fast-breeder reactors are that they save uranium and reduce nuclear waste. “The establishment of sustainable development of nuclear energy is important,” the statement said, noting that a number of industry dignitaries were on hand for the announcement.


  China's nuclear engineers, of course, are operating in the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster, a game-changing event that would seem likely to make the industry more risk averse. In days after Japan's March 11 earthquake-tsunami-nuclear crisis, Beijing defiantly pledged to continue with its huge nuclear rollout but quickly reversed course and said it would proceed cautiously.


  In fact, the grid hook-up to the experimental fast-breeder plant may underscore that caution, as Beijing spent a year testing the plant's operations before linking it to the grid.


  Among the practical challenges associated with fast-breeders: they are potentially riskier than more conventional light-water reactors, relying on cooling of the reactor core with a potentially dangerous loop of flammable sodium, rather than water. Plus, the fuel input is essentially weapons-grade uranium, which is difficult to handle compared with the chemically stable material that powers most nuclear plants, namely uranium dioxide.


  The fast-breeder process also appears for China to be a degree more tricky to develop on a commercial scale than reprocessed fuel, another controversial technology the country says it is pursuing to address its uranium needs. Fast breeding is something new for China while the country's military has long-term experience with reprocessing.


  Mark Hibbs, a nuclear expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, says he visited China's fast-breeder reactor in the weeks after the Fukushima disaster. He describes it as a tiny “research reactor,” and says he got the sense officials planned to proceed extremely cautiously in building an 800-megawatt plant as scientists once discussed.

  卡内基国际和平基金会(Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)核能专家海布斯(Mark Hibbs)说,他在福岛核灾难发生数周之后就参观了中国的快堆。他说这是一台小型“研究型快堆”,并觉得中国官员打算在建设科学家们曾经讨论的80万千瓦电站时极其稳妥地推进。

  Breakthroughs like fast breeder reactors might not result in commercially applicable programs any time soon, but in the age of Fukushima they may signal that China possesses world class nuclear power expertise. According to Mr. Hibbs, news of the efforts say, “Look, China is a high-technology nuclear country.”


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